SHB 3056
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Agriculture & Environment, February 18, 1998
Title: An act relating to implementing the recommendations of the on‑site wastewater certification work group.
Brief Description: Implementing the recommendations of the on‑site wastewater certification work group.
Sponsors: House Committee on Agriculture & Ecology (originally sponsored by Representatives Chandler, Linville and Constantine).
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Agriculture & Environment: 2/18/98 [DP].
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Morton, Chair; Swecker, Vice Chair; Fraser, McAuliffe, Newhouse, Oke and Rasmussen.
Staff: Kari Guy (786-7437)
Background: In 1997 the Legislature directed the Department of Health to create a work group to develop recommendations to the Legislature regarding a certification program for occupations related to on-site septic systems. The work group was also asked to examine the bonding levels and other standards for people employed in these occupations. In addition, the work group was asked to examine the application of a risk analysis pertaining to the installation and maintenance of different types of septic systems in different parts of the state. The On-site Wastewater Certification Work Group met several times during the 1997 interim and developed a report containing its recommendations in these areas.
Summary of Bill: The Department of Health and the Department of Licensing must convene an advisory committee to develop legislation to establish licensing requirements for designers of on-site septic systems, and a certification program for inspectors of on-site septic systems that tests the same knowledge and competency required for licensed designers of on-site septic systems. The proposed legislation must be submitted to the Senate Agriculture and Environment Committee and the House Agriculture and Ecology Committee by December 1, 1998. The legislation must be consistent with the recommendations contained in the report prepared by the On-site Wastewater Certification Work Group. The departments also must report on the feasibility of developing proposed legislation to implement other recommendations of the on-site wastewater certification work group by December 1, 1998.
The Department of Health is required to develop a one-day course to train local health officers, environmental health officers, environmental health specialists, and technicians pertaining to: the waiver authority granted local officers for siting on-site septic systems, the application of site evaluation and assessment methods to match particular sites and development plans with suitable on-site sewage treatment systems, the regulatory framework for the use on-site sewage treatment technologies, and the use of mitigation waivers. The course must be made available in various parts of the state without charge. The first training must be conducted by June 30, 1999.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The On-Site Wastewater Certification Work Group made good progress towards making on-site designers and installers more accountable. This bill continues that progress by directing an advisory group to come up with specific legislation regarding certification and licensing. The required training will improve the day-to-day operations of on-site system regulatory programs.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Sharon Nelson, Governor=s On-Site Sewage Work Group (pro); Bill White, DOH (pro concept); Duke Schaub, AGC Wash. (pro); John Dohrmann, PSNQAT (pro); Ronald Inman, Washington On-Site Sewage Association (pro); Mike Vinatier, Washington State EH Directors (pro).