HJM 4030
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Health & Long-Term Care, February 20, 1998
Brief Description: Petitioning for Medicaid flexibility.
Sponsors: Representatives Backlund, Cody, Dyer, Lambert, Carrell, Koster, Zellinsky, Sherstad and Anderson.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Health & Long‑Term Care: 2/20/98 [DP].
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Deccio, Chair; Wood, Vice Chair; Benton, Fairley and Strannigan.
Staff: Jonathan Seib (786-7427)
Background: Medicaid funding is provided to states by the federal government to provide a variety of health related services to low-income individuals. It is suggested that while public programs are more effective and efficiently administered without excessive federal regulation, Medicaid remains highly bureaucratic, granting flexibility to states sparingly and only after an extensive and costly waiver process.
Summary of Bill: The joint memorial petitions the President to submit, and the Congress to pass, legislation granting extensive flexibility to the states in the use of Medicaid funding for acute and long-term care services.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Testimony For: Medicaid rules imposed by the federal government give the state little flexibility to provide services in the most effective and efficient fashion. The waiver process is ridiculously complicated and time consuming.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Representative Backlund, prime sponsor.