SB 5058
As of February 18, 1997
Title: An act relating to vacancies in elective office.
Brief Description: Declaring a vacancy in an elective office when the incumbent files a declaration of candidacy for another office.
Sponsors: Senators McCaslin and Haugen.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Government Operations: 1/30/97.
Staff: Kathleen Healy (786-7403)
Background: A vacancy occurs in an elective office when the incumbent dies, resigns, is removed from office, ceases to be a legally registered voter of the area from which he or she was elected or appointed, is convicted of a felony or offense which violates his or her official oath, neglects the duties of the elective position, has his or her election or appointment declared void by a tribunal, or a judgment is entered for breach of the condition of his or her official bond.
Summary of Bill: Another event is added to the list which constitutes vacancy in an elective office. If an incumbent files for another public elective office that would commence when more than 75 days are left to complete in the incumbent=s current term, the incumbent=s current office is considered vacant. However, if the declaration for candidacy is filed at the request of the incumbent=s political party in the week after the regular filing period and no candidate of that party filed for the office, the incumbent=s current office is not considered vacant.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.