SSB 5104
As Passed Senate, March 11, 1997
Title: An act relating to game birds.
Brief Description: Creating the Washington pheasant enhancement program.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Oke, Loveland, Hale, Morton, Swecker, Rossi, Snyder, West, Bauer, Haugen and Rasmussen).
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Natural Resources & Parks: 1/23/97, 1/31/97 [DP-WM].
Ways & Means: 2/19/97, 2/26/97 [DPS].
Passed Senate, 3/11/97, 43-0.
Majority Report: Do pass and be referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
Signed by Senators Oke, Chair; Rossi, Vice Chair; Hargrove, Jacobsen, Morton, Roach, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens and Swecker.
Staff: Ross Antipa (786-7413)
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5104 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators West, Chair; Deccio, Vice Chair; Strannigan, Vice Chair; Bauer, Hochstatter, Kohl, Long, Loveland, Rossi, Sheldon, Snyder, Spanel, Swecker, Thibaudeau and Winsley.
Staff: Cathy Baker (786-7708)
Background: Pheasant populations, pheasant hunters, and pheasant hunting opportunity has greatly decreased over the last 20 years in eastern Washington.
A program that improves pheasant habitat and plants pheasants for harvest by hunters would increase pheasant hunting opportunity and would provide recreation for an increased number of hunters.
Summary of Bill: Beginning the 1997 hunting season, pheasant hunters in eastern Washington must pay a $10 surcharge, in addition to other licensing requirements, in order to hunt pheasants. Funds from the program are utilized to release pen-reared pheasants for hunting, to improve habitat for pheasants, to lease lands for hunting access, and to provide opportunities for juvenile pheasant hunters.
The eastern Washington pheasant enhancement account is created. Revenue from the surcharge is deposited in the account. The account is subject to appropriation.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Corrections must jointly investigate the feasibility of producing pheasants with inmate labor at Walla Walla penitentiary.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For (Natural Resources & Parks): Pheasant hunting has declined in eastern Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife should have an expanded program to improve pheasant hunting.
Testimony Against (Natural Resources & Parks): None.
Testified (Natural Resources & Parks): PRO: Stan Reed; Max McYoung; Dave Brittell, WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife; Dave Ware.
Testimony For (Ways & Means): Pheasant hunting has declined in eastern Washington. This bill will help improve opportunities for pheasant hunting.
Testimony Against (Ways & Means): None.
Testified (Ways & Means): Senator Bob Oke, prime sponsor (pro); Dave Brittell, Department of Fish and Wildlife (pro).
House Amendment(s): Production of pheasants in either department-operated projects or from private contractors shall be based upon the least expensive alternative. Surplus hen pheasants shall be made available to landowners who allow public hunting. The department may not lease land for the eastern Washington pheasant program. Not less than 80 percent of the expenditures from the account shall be used to produce or buy pheasants. The study on producing pheasants in state-operated correctional facilities shall include consideration of all eastern Washington correctional facilities and a cost comparison to purchase of pheasants from private industry.