SB 5680
As of February 18, 1997
Title: An act relating to restrictions on mailings by incumbents.
Brief Description: Extending mailing restrictions on incumbent mailings.
Sponsors: Senators Strannigan, Heavey, Wood, Benton, Johnson, Deccio, Morton, Sellar, Rossi, Hargrove, Stevens, Zarelli, Swecker and Hochstatter.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Government Operations: 2/25/97.
Staff: Martin Lovinger (786-7443)
Background: Current law restricts mailings that may be made by a legislator at public expense during the 12-month period preceding the certification of the election results of the legislator's election to office. The law does not restrict elected officials other than legislators, nor does it limit state or local agency directors. The restrictions also do not address public service announcements.
Summary of Bill: The current restrictions on mailings at public expense apply to each elected official and state and local agency director in the 12-month period before the last day for certification of election results of an election in which the official or director is a candidate. During the same 12-month period, no elected official who is a candidate or state or local agency director who is a candidate may produce or distribute through the use of public facilities a public service announcement by print, broadcast, or other electronic media. The office or agency may issue in the normal performance of its duties public service announcements that are not in the name of the official or director.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.