SB 6003
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Transportation, March 10, 1997
Title: An act relating to Seattle Reign license plates.
Brief Description: Establishing the Seattle Reign license plate.
Sponsors: Senators Kohl, McAuliffe and Jacobsen.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Transportation: 3/6/97, 3/10/97 [DPS, DNP].
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6003 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators Prince, Chair; Goings, Haugen, Heavey, Jacobsen, Patterson, Prentice and Rasmussen.
Minority Report: Do not pass.
Signed by Senators Benton, Vice Chair; Wood, Vice Chair; Morton and Sellar.
Staff: Jennifer Joly (786-7305)
Background: Currently, the Department of Licensing (DOL) has the authority to create, design, and issue special license plates, in lieu of regular or personalized plates. In addition to the ordinary fees required to register and license vehicles, the department may charge an annual fee of not more than $35 to offset the costs of production of special plates and for the administration of the special plate program. These fees are deposited in the motor vehicle fund.
In 1995, the Legislature authorized special baseball stadium license plates; the revenue from the sale of these license plates is earmarked for baseball stadium bond retirement. The Seattle Mariners logo is featured on the stadium plate.
The Seattle Reign, which has just completed its inaugural season, is Washington State's first women's professional basketball team. The Reign is one of eight professional women's basketball teams in the American Basketball League.
Summary of Substitute Bill: The Department of Licensing (DOL) is authorized to create the Sue Durrant-Seattle Reign license plates.
In addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon registration and renewal of a motor vehicle, the holder of a Sue Durrant-Seattle Reign license plate pays an annual fee of $30. DOL deducts an amount not to exceed $2 for administration and collection expenses. The remaining proceeds minus the cost of plate production are remitted to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for grants to fund girls,= and other under-represented groups,= participation in school sports.
Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill: The Seattle Reign license plate is renamed the "Sue Durrant-Seattle Reign License Plate" to honor Sue Durrant, a Washington State University professor and promoter of gender equity in athletics.
Criteria for the grant program are set forth. If the Superintendent of Public Instruction finds that girls are no longer under-represented in sports, the superintendent may award the grants to improve the sports participation rate of other under-represented groups.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on March 6, 1997.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: SB 6003 will help to promote girls in sports. This is important because studies have shown that girls who are involved in sports are less likely to get involved in drugs and alcohol or to get pregnant. Additionally, sports help to instill self-esteem and increase the likelihood of high school graduation. The license plate would also help to promote the Seattle Reign, Washington State's first women's professional basketball team.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: PRO: Senator Kohl, prime sponsor; Melinda Williams, Seattle Reign; Valerie Overdahl, Tumwater High School Athletic Director; Joan Yoshitomi, Superintendent of Public Instruction=s office.