SSB 6136
As Passed Senate, February 11, 1998
Title: An act relating to drug offenses in background checks.
Brief Description: Including drug offenses in background checks.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Oke and Long).
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Human Services & Corrections: 1/21/98, 2/4/98 [DPS].
Passed Senate, 2/11/98, 46-0.
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6136 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators Long, Chair; Zarelli, Vice Chair; Franklin, Hargrove, Kohl, Schow and Stevens.
Staff: Fara Daun (786-7459)
Background: Some people are concerned that the manufacture and distribution of controlled substances greatly affects children, but these crimes are not presently considered in the background check process.
Summary of Bill: The crimes of manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to manufacture or deliver are added to the list of convictions that the Washington State Patrol uses in preparation of background check information. Employers requesting background checks under Title 43 are permitted to consider these convictions in the employment process.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 16, 1998.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Screening for drug offenses enables youth agencies to better protect children.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Senator Bob Oke, prime sponsor (pro); Sharon Foster, YMCA and Council of Youth Agencies (pro); Doug Levy, City of Everett (pro).