SB 6179
As Passed Senate, February 12, 1998
Title: An act relating to the Washington award for vocational excellence.
Brief Description: Changing Washington award for vocational excellence provisions.
Sponsors: Senators Wood, Kohl, Prince, Bauer, Patterson, McAuliffe, Rasmussen and Hale.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Higher Education: 1/26/98, 2/5/98 [DP].
Passed Senate, 2/12/98, 46-0.
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Wood, Chair; Winsley, Vice Chair; Bauer, Hale, Kohl, Patterson, Prince, B. Sheldon and West.
Staff: Jean Six (786-7423)
Background: The Washington Award for Vocational Education (WAVE) was created in 1984 to recognize the outstanding achievements of students in vocational-technical education. The award is presented each year to three students from each legislative district, two high school/skill center students and one community/technical college student. While current law identifies how much time recipients have to begin using their awards and the number of terms for which the award is applicable, there is no limit placed on the amount of time recipients have to complete using the award. The absence of a time limit has created difficulties in determining remaining eligibility, as well as building budget projections for how many recipients will use the award in the upcoming biennium. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that from 1984-1994 the award was a waiver and in 1995 the award became a monetary grant.
Summary of Bill: Beginning with the 1997-98 academic term, all grant recipients must complete using their awards by the end of summer term of the sixth year after they receive the award. All recipients of the waiver before the 1994-95 academic year who have remaining eligibility must complete using the award before September of 2001. All recipients of the grant award prior to the 1997-98 academic year must complete using the award before September 2004.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The WAVE program is one we actually administer. This bill will help us to be more efficient. Many recipients try to save the award to use at a four-year school but, because they complete a two-year program they decide to forfeit the award. Determining remaining eligibility becomes very cumbersome over time.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: West Pruitt, Legislative Liaison, WTECB.