SI 200
As of February 2, 1998
Brief Description: Discrimination.
Sponsors: People of the State of Washington.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Law & Justice: 2/4/98.
Staff: David Johnson (786-7754)
Background: Generally, the law prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, and ethnicity. However, the Supreme Court has ruled that state agencies may take such factors into consideration as part of affirmative action programs. Some agencies have programs in place which consider these factors in hiring, awarding contracts, and granting admission to colleges.
Initiative 200 is an initiative to the Legislature, recently certified by the Secretary of State.
Summary of Initiative: Initiative 200 prohibits discrimination or preferential treatment by public agencies based on considerations of race, gender, or ethnicity in hiring, contracting, and college admissions.
Agencies may still discriminate between sexes as necessary for privacy of the sexes, medical or psychological treatment, or athletic teams. Discrimination for undercover police activities and casting for films or theater is allowed.
Any discrimination that is required by federal law is allowed.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The initiative takes effect if passed by both the House and Senate. If not acted on by the Legislature, the initiative is decided by a vote of the electorate.