

By Senators Rasmussen, Benton, Swecker, Long, Goings, Kohl, Bauer, Spanel, Fraser and Sheldon


     WHEREAS, The economy of the State of Washington is comprised of diverse activities engaged in by people of varying interests and talents from all walks of life; and

     WHEREAS, Vocational education is vital to the success of our state as an economic leader; and

     WHEREAS, Vocational education is not relegated solely to the higher education system, but begins in Washington's secondary schools; and

     WHEREAS, High school vocational education in Washington is ably represented by Vocational Student Organizations; and

     WHEREAS, Vocational Student Organizations is comprised of VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America), FFA, FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), FHA-HERO (Future Homemakers of America), and DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America); and

     WHEREAS, These organizations represent more than 27,000 students from all corners of our state; and

     WHEREAS, Through their involvement in their vocational activities, these students are learning skills not necessarily available to them in the conventional classroom setting; and

     WHEREAS, They are training to become better workers, better leaders, better problem-solvers and decision-makers, as well as better citizens; and

     WHEREAS, Their activities are supported by true public/private partnerships that allow private enterprise to become more fully involved with public schools in shaping the future of our economy and its entrepreneurs and workforce; and 

     WHEREAS, These active, forward-thinking, and creative young people are blazing the trail into the future for our state; and

     WHEREAS, Their initiative and leadership today will no doubt inspire many others tomorrow and in the years ahead; and

     WHEREAS, Their example of personal responsibility and of creating opportunity is one that all citizens would do well to emulate;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Senate of the State of Washington do hereby recognize and honor the hard work and dedication of the state officers of VICA, DECA, FHA, FFA, and FBLA here present and the more than 27,000 members they represent, as well as Vocational Student Organizations= chairperson, Judy Reynolds, and thank them all for their efforts on behalf of themselves and their future, as well as the future of the great State of Washington; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Senate do hereby immediately transmit copies of this resolution to each of the aforementioned organizations.


I, Mike O=Connell, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 1997-8613,

adopted by the Senate February 14, 1997.




Secretary of the Senate