


By Senators Franklin, Prentice, Loveland, Snyder, Thibaudeau, Spanel, B. Sheldon, Fraser, T. Sheldon, Roach, Winsley, Rasmussen, Stevens, Wojahn, Long, McAuliffe, Kline, Patterson, Zarelli, Bauer, Deccio, Fairley, Haugen, Jacobsen, Rossi, Strannigan, Horn, Morton, Goings, Prince, Wood, West, Johnson, McCaslin and Kohl


     WHEREAS, The month of February, 1998, marks the 61st anniversary of an official Black History celebration; and

     WHEREAS, This month also marks the 21st anniversary of the official observance of Black History Month; and

     WHEREAS, There is still a widespread lack of knowledge among the general population that African Americans have played major roles and contributed in every aspect to the development and building of our country; and

     WHEREAS, The actual history of Africans, in Africa and around the world, is that of a fascinating and enlightening journey of both African peoples and individuals; and

     WHEREAS, The history of Africans in the Americas dates back to 1619, a year before the Mayflower landed, with the arrival of the first African slaves; and

     WHEREAS, The full story of Africans at home and abroad goes far beyond the traditionally emphasized experience of domination by and subjugation to others in the New World; and

     WHEREAS, Black History Month affords students of all backgrounds the chance to see the accomplishments and contributions of Africans, both in Africa and around the world; and

     WHEREAS, For many young people, Black History Month has led to exposure to literature, art, philosophy, and culture that they otherwise might never experience; and

     WHEREAS, The study of the history of African Americans and their contributions can broaden our views and strengthen racial relations within our country=s diverse population;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Washington State Senate do hereby recognize and appreciate the many benefits of Black History Month to our citizenry and to our culture in general, and that we urge all citizens of the State of Washington to join with us in taking the opportunity this month to explore this rich history and expand our world view.


I, Mike O=Connell, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 1998-8697,

adopted by the Senate February 11, 1998.





Secretary of the Senate