SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5511



                   Chapter 282, Laws of 1997


                         (partial veto)


                        55th Legislature

                      1997 Regular Session







                    EFFECTIVE DATE:  7/27/97

Passed by the Senate April 24, 1997

  YEAS 38   NAYS 0




             IRV NEWHOUSE

President of the Senate


Passed by the House April 22, 1997

  YEAS 98   NAYS 0



I, Mike O=Connell, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is  SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5511 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth.




             CLYDE BALLARD

Speaker of the

      House of Representatives

           MIKE O'CONNELL




Approved May 7, 1997, with the exception of section 3, which is vetoed.Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below.     




              May 7, 1997 - 1:56 p.m.




              GARY LOCKE

Governor of the State of Washington

                   Secretary of State

                  State of Washington



                    SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5511



                      AS AMENDED BY THE HOUSE


             Passed Legislature - 1997 Regular Session


State of Washington      55th Legislature     1997 Regular Session


By Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Stevens, Hargrove, Zarelli, Haugen, Benton, Strannigan, Rasmussen, Hochstatter, Schow and Goings)


Read first time 02/28/97.

Modifying provisions relating to retention of reports of child abuse or neglect.     

    AN ACT Relating to child abuse and neglect information; amending RCW 26.44.100 and 26.44.020; and adding new sections to chapter 26.44 RCW.




    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  A new section is added to chapter 26.44 RCW to read as follows:

    To protect the privacy in reporting and the maintenance of reports of nonaccidental injury, neglect, death, sexual abuse, and cruelty to children by their parents, and to safeguard against arbitrary, malicious, or erroneous information or actions, the department shall not maintain information related to unfounded referrals in files or reports of child abuse or neglect for longer than six years except as provided in this section.

    At the end of six years from receipt of the unfounded report, the information shall be purged unless an additional report has been received in the intervening period.


    Sec. 2.  RCW 26.44.100 and 1993 c 412 s 17 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The legislature finds parents and children often are not aware of their due process rights when agencies are investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect.  The legislature reaffirms that all citizens, including parents, shall be afforded due process, that protection of children remains the priority of the legislature, and that this protection includes protecting the family unit from unnecessary disruption.  To facilitate this goal, the legislature wishes to ensure that parents and children be advised in writing and orally, if feasible, of their basic rights and other specific information as set forth in this chapter, provided that nothing contained in this chapter shall cause any delay in protective custody action.

    (2) The department shall notify the alleged perpetrator of the allegations of child abuse and neglect at the earliest possible point in the investigation that will not jeopardize the safety and protection of the child or the investigation process.

    Whenever the department completes an investigation of a child abuse or neglect report under chapter 26.44 RCW, the department shall notify the alleged perpetrator of the report and the department's investigative findings.  The notice shall also advise the alleged perpetrator that:

    (a) A written response to the report may be provided to the department and that such response will be filed in the record following receipt by the department;

    (b) Information in the department's record may be considered in subsequent investigations or proceedings related to child protection or child custody;

    (c) There is currently information in the department's record that may be considered in determining that the person is disqualified from being licensed to provide child care, employed by a licensed child care agency, or authorized by the department to care for children; and

    (d) A person who has demonstrated a good-faith desire to work in a licensed agency may request an informal meeting with the department to have an opportunity to discuss and contest the information currently in the record.

    (3) The notification required by this section shall be made by regular mail to the person's last known address.

    (4) The duty of notification created by this section is subject to the ability of the department to ascertain the location of the person to be notified.  The department shall exercise reasonable, good-faith efforts to ascertain the location of persons entitled to notification under this section.


    *NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  A new section is added to chapter 26.44 RCW to read as follows:

    The department shall report annually to the legislature on the number of reports determined to be unfounded and the percentage of unfounded reports compared to the total number of reports received by the department.  The department shall also report annually on the number of files or reports from which unfounded information was purged.

*Sec. 3 was vetoed.  See message at end of chapter.


    Sec. 4.  RCW 26.44.020 and 1996 c 178 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:

    For the purpose of and as used in this chapter:

    (1) "Court" means the superior court of the state of Washington, juvenile department.

    (2) "Law enforcement agency" means the police department, the prosecuting attorney, the state patrol, the director of public safety, or the office of the sheriff.

    (3) "Practitioner of the healing arts" or "practitioner" means a person licensed by this state to practice podiatric medicine and surgery, optometry, chiropractic, nursing, dentistry, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or medicine and surgery or to provide other health services.  The term "practitioner" shall include a duly accredited Christian Science practitioner:  PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That a person who is being furnished Christian Science treatment by a duly accredited Christian Science practitioner shall not be considered, for that reason alone, a neglected person for the purposes of this chapter.

    (4) "Institution" means a private or public hospital or any other facility providing medical diagnosis, treatment or care.

    (5) "Department" means the state department of social and health services.

    (6) "Child" or "children" means any person under the age of eighteen years of age.

    (7) "Professional school personnel" shall include, but not be limited to, teachers, counselors, administrators, child care facility personnel, and school nurses.

    (8) "Social service counselor" shall mean anyone engaged in a professional capacity during the regular course of employment in encouraging or promoting the health, welfare, support or education of children, or providing social services to adults or families, including mental health, drug and alcohol treatment, and domestic violence programs, whether in an individual capacity, or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.

    (9) "Psychologist" shall mean any person licensed to practice psychology under chapter 18.83 RCW, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.

    (10) "Pharmacist" shall mean any registered pharmacist under the provisions of chapter 18.64 RCW, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.

    (11) "Clergy" shall mean any regularly licensed or ordained minister, priest or rabbi of any church or religious denomination, whether acting in an individual capacity or as an employee or agent of any public or private organization or institution.

    (12) "Abuse or neglect" shall mean the injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, negligent treatment, or maltreatment of a child, adult dependent, or developmentally disabled person by any person under circumstances which indicate that the child's or adult's health, welfare, and safety is harmed.  An abused child is a child who has been subjected to child abuse or neglect as defined herein.

    (13) "Child protective services section" shall mean the child protective services section of the department.

    (14) "Adult dependent persons" shall be defined as those persons over the age of eighteen years who have been found to be legally incompetent or disabled pursuant to chapter 11.88 RCW.

    (15) "Sexual exploitation" includes:  (a) Allowing, permitting, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution by any person; or (b) allowing, permitting, encouraging, or engaging in the obscene or pornographic photographing, filming, or depicting of a child by any person.

    (16) "Negligent treatment or maltreatment" means an act or omission which evidences a serious disregard of consequences of such magnitude as to constitute a clear and present danger to the child's health, welfare, and safety.

    (17) "Developmentally disabled person" means a person who has a disability defined in RCW 71A.10.020.

    (18) "Child protective services" means those services provided by the department designed to protect children from child abuse and neglect and safeguard the general welfare of such children and shall include investigations of child abuse and neglect reports, including reports regarding child care centers and family child care homes, and the development, management, and provision of or referral to services to ameliorate conditions which endanger the welfare of children, the coordination of necessary programs and services relevant to the prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect, and services to children to ensure that each child has a permanent home.  In determining whether protective services should be provided, the department shall not decline to provide such services solely because of the child's unwillingness or developmental inability to describe the nature and severity of the abuse or neglect.

    (19) "Malice" or "maliciously" means an evil intent, wish, or design to vex, annoy, or injure another person.  Such malice may be inferred from an act done in wilful disregard of the rights of another, or an act wrongfully done without just cause or excuse, or an act or omission of duty betraying a wilful disregard of social duty.

    (20) "Sexually aggressive youth" means a child who is defined in RCW 74.13.075(1)(b) as being a "sexually aggressive youth."

    (21) AUnfounded@ means available evidence indicates that, more likely than not, child abuse or neglect did not occur.

    Passed the Senate April 24, 1997.

    Passed the House April 22, 1997.

Approved by the Governor May 7, 1997, with the exception of certain items that were vetoed.

    Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 7, 1997.


    Note:  Governor's explanation of partial veto is as follows:


    "I am returning herewith, without my approval as to section 3, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5511 entitled:


"AN ACT Relating to child abuse and neglect information;"


    Section 3 of SSB 5511 would have required the Department of Social and Health Services to report annually to the legislature on the number of reports of child abuse or neglect determined to be unfounded, and the percentage of unfounded reports compared to the total number of reports received by the Department, and the number of files or reports from which unfounded information was purged.


    As part of my quality improvement efforts, I have undertaken to review our statutes for all reporting requirements and to rid state government of unnecessary reports and paperwork.  It would be contrary to that effort to pass into law yet another unnecessary report. 


    For this reason, I have vetoed section 3 of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5511.


    With the exception of section 3, I am approving Substitute Senate Bill No. 5511."