SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5676



                   Chapter 399, Laws of 1997



                        55th Legislature

                      1997 Regular Session







                    EFFECTIVE DATE:  7/1/97

Passed by the Senate April 22, 1997

  YEAS 44   NAYS 0




               BRAD OWEN

President of the Senate


Passed by the House April 9, 1997

  YEAS 93   NAYS 4



I, Mike O=Connell, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is  SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5676 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth.




             CLYDE BALLARD

Speaker of the

      House of Representatives

           MIKE O'CONNELL




Approved May 16, 1997 Place Style On Codes above, and Style Off Codes below.  




             May 16, 1997 - 3:25 p.m.




              GARY LOCKE

Governor of the State of Washington

                   Secretary of State

                  State of Washington



                    SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5676



                      AS AMENDED BY THE HOUSE


             Passed Legislature - 1997 Regular Session


State of Washington      55th Legislature     1997 Regular Session


By Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor (originally sponsored by Senators Newhouse, Schow and Anderson)


Read first time 02/27/97.

Regulating real estate appraisers.  

    AN ACT Relating to real estate appraisers; amending RCW 18.140.010 and 18.140.020; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.




    Sec. 1.  RCW 18.140.010 and 1996 c 182 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

    (1) "Appraisal" means the act or process of estimating value; an estimate of value; or of or pertaining to appraising and related functions.

    (2) "Appraisal report" means any communication, written or oral, of an appraisal, review, or consulting service in accordance with the standards of professional conduct or practice, adopted by the director, that is transmitted to the client upon completion of an assignment.

    (3) "Appraisal assignment" means an engagement for which an appraiser is employed or retained to act, or would be perceived by third parties or the public as acting, as a disinterested third party in rendering an unbiased analysis, opinion, or conclusion relating to the value of specified interests in, or aspects of, identified real estate.  The term "appraisal assignment" may apply to valuation work and analysis work.

    (4) "Brokers price opinion" means an oral or written report of property value that is prepared by a real estate broker or salesperson licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW ((for listing, sale, purchase, or rental purposes)).

    (5) "Certified appraisal" means an appraisal prepared or signed by a state-certified real estate appraiser.  A certified appraisal represents to the public that it meets the appraisal standards defined in this chapter.

    (6) "Client" means any party for whom an appraiser performs a service.

    (7) "Committee" means the real estate appraiser advisory committee of the state of Washington.

    (8) "Comparative market analysis" means a brokers price opinion.

    (9) "Department" means the department of licensing.

    (10) "Director" means the director of the department of licensing.

    (11) "Expert review appraiser" means a state-certified or state-licensed real estate appraiser chosen by the director for the purpose of providing appraisal review assistance to the director.

    (12) "Federal department" means an executive department of the United States of America specifically concerned with housing finance issues, such as the department of housing and urban development, the department of veterans affairs, or their legal federal successors.

    (13) "Federal financial institutions regulatory agency" means the board of governors of the federal reserve system, the federal deposit insurance corporation, the office of the comptroller of the currency, the office of thrift supervision, the national credit union administration, their successors and/or such other agencies as may be named in future amendments to 12 U.S.C. Sec. 3350(6).

    (14) "Federal secondary mortgage marketing agency" means the federal national mortgage association, the government national mortgage association, the federal home loan mortgage corporation, their successors and/or such other similarly functioning housing finance agencies as may be federally chartered in the future.

    (15) "Federally related transaction" means any real estate-related financial transaction that the federal financial institutions regulatory agency or the resolution trust corporation engages in, contracts for, or regulates; and that requires the services of an appraiser.

    (16) "Financial institution" means any person doing business under the laws of this state or the United States relating to banks, bank holding companies, savings banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations, credit unions, consumer loan companies, and the affiliates, subsidiaries, and service corporations thereof.

    (((16))) (17) "Licensed appraisal" means an appraisal prepared or signed by a state-licensed real estate appraiser.  A licensed appraisal represents to the public that it meets the appraisal standards defined in this chapter.

    (((17))) (18) "Mortgage broker" for the purpose of this chapter means a mortgage broker licensed under chapter 19.146 RCW, any mortgage broker approved and subject to audit by the federal national mortgage association, the government national mortgage association, or the federal home loan mortgage corporation as provided in RCW 19.146.020, any mortgage broker approved by the United States secretary of housing and urban development for participation in any mortgage insurance under the national housing act, 12 U.S.C. Sec. 1201, and the affiliates, subsidiaries, and service corporations thereof.

    (((18))) (19) "Real estate" means an identified parcel or tract of land, including improvements, if any.

    (((19))) (20) "Real estate-related financial transaction" means any transaction involving:

    (a) The sale, lease, purchase, investment in, or exchange of real property, including interests in property, or the financing thereof;

    (b) The refinancing of real property or interests in real property; and

    (c) The use of real property or interests in property as security for a loan or investment, including mortgage-backed securities.

    (21) "Real property" means one or more defined interests, benefits, or rights inherent in the ownership of real estate.

    (((20))) (22) "Review" means the act or process of critically studying an appraisal report prepared by another.

    (((21))) (23) "Specialized appraisal services" means all appraisal services which do not fall within the definition of appraisal assignment.  The term "specialized appraisal service" may apply to valuation work and to analysis work.  Regardless of the intention of the client or employer, if the appraiser would be perceived by third parties or the public as acting as a disinterested third party in rendering an unbiased analysis, opinion, or conclusion, the work is classified as an appraisal assignment and not a specialized appraisal service.

    (((22))) (24) "State-certified general real estate appraiser" means a person certified by the director to develop and communicate real estate appraisals of all types of property.  A state-certified general real estate appraiser may designate or identify an appraisal rendered by him or her as a "certified appraisal."

    (((23))) (25) "State-certified residential real estate appraiser" means a person certified by the director to develop and communicate real estate appraisals of all types of residential property of one to four units without regard to transaction value or complexity and nonresidential property having a transaction value as specified in rules adopted by the director.  A state certified residential real estate appraiser may designate or identify an appraisal rendered by him or her as a "certified appraisal."

    (((24))) (26) "State-licensed real estate appraiser" means a person licensed by the director to develop and communicate real estate appraisals of noncomplex one to four residential units and complex one to four residential units and nonresidential property having transaction values as specified in rules adopted by the director.


    Sec. 2.  RCW 18.140.020 and 1996 c 182 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) No person other than a state-certified or state-licensed real estate appraiser may receive compensation of any form for a real estate appraisal or an appraisal review.  However, compensation may be provided for brokers price opinions prepared by a real estate licensee, licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW.

    (2) No person, other than a state-certified or state-licensed real estate appraiser, may assume or use that title or any title, designation, or abbreviation likely to create the impression of certification or licensure as a real estate appraiser by this state.

    (3) A person who is not certified or licensed under this chapter shall not prepare any appraisal of real estate located in this state, except as provided under subsection (1) of this section.

    (4) This section does not preclude a staff employee of a governmental entity from performing an appraisal or an appraisal assignment within the scope of his or her employment insofar as the performance of official duties for the governmental entity are concerned.  Such an activity for the benefit of the governmental entity is exempt from the requirements of this chapter.

    (5) This ((section)) chapter does not preclude an individual person licensed by the state of Washington as a real estate broker or as a real estate salesperson ((and who performs)) from issuing a brokers price opinion ((as a service to a prospective seller, buyer, lessor, or lessee as the only intended user, and not for dissemination to a third party, within the scope of his or her employment or agency.  Such an activity for the sole benefit of the prospective seller, buyer, lessor, or lessee is exempt from the requirements of this chapter)).  However, if the brokers price opinion is written, or given as evidence in any legal proceeding, and is issued to a person who is not a prospective seller, buyer, lessor, or lessee as the only intended user, then the brokers price opinion shall contain a statement, in an obvious location within the written document or specifically and affirmatively in spoken testimony, that substantially states:  "This brokers price opinion is not an appraisal as defined in chapter 18.140 RCW and has been prepared by a real estate licensee, licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW, who . . . . . (is/is not) also state certified or state licensed as a real estate appraiser under chapter 18.140 RCW."  However, the brokers price opinion issued under this subsection may not be used as an appraisal in conjunction with a federally related transaction.

    (6) This section does not apply to an appraisal or an appraisal review performed for a financial institution or mortgage broker((, whether conducted)) by an employee ((or third party)), when such appraisal or appraisal review is not required to be performed by a state-certified or state-licensed real estate appraiser by the appropriate federal financial institutions regulatory agency.

    (7) This section does not apply to an attorney licensed to practice law in this state or to a certified public accountant, as defined in RCW 18.04.025, who evaluates real property in the normal scope of his or her professional services.


    NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 1997.

    Passed the Senate April 22, 1997.

    Passed the House April 9, 1997.

Approved by the Governor May 16, 1997.

    Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 16, 1997.