May 20, 1997

To the Honorable President and Members,

  The Senate of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     I am returning herewith, without my approval Substitute Senate Bill No. 5079, entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to permit processing;"

     Substitute Senate Bill No. 5079 deals with the private preparation of draft wastewater discharge permits.  I commend the intent of this bill to find ways to increase private sector participation in order to make the permit process more timely.  However, while the Department of Ecology would still review and approve or deny permits, the time allowed for this review is not sufficient to ensure the thorough review necessary to protect the environment or to allow adequate time for input from the public.

     For these reasons I have vetoed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5079 in its entirety.


                   Respectfully submitted,

                   Gary Locke
