HB 1071 - DIGEST


                  (SEE ALSO PROPOSED 1ST SUB)


     Creates a department of state government to be known as the department of medical assistance.

     Transfers all powers, duties, and functions of the department of social and health services pertaining to medical assistance to the department of medical assistance.

     Creates a department of state government to be known as the department of long-term care and health.

     Transfers all powers, duties, and functions of the department of social and health services pertaining to long-term care and health to the department of long-term care and health.

     Creates a department of state government to be known as the department of children and family services.

     Transfers all powers, duties, and functions of the department of social and health services pertaining to children and family services to the department of children and family services.

     Creates a department of state government to be known as the department of transitional services.

     Transfers all powers, duties, and functions of the department of social and health services pertaining to economic services to the department of transitional services.

     Transfers all powers, duties, and functions of the department of social and health services pertaining to juvenile rehabilitation and the juvenile justice system to the department of corrections.

     Directs the director of the office of financial management, the secretary of the department of social and health services, the secretary of the department of corrections, the commissioner of the employment security department, and the director of the department of labor and industries to jointly develop reorganization implementation plans that restructure the department of social and health services in accordance with this act.