HB 1126-S - DIGEST
Finds that: (1) The state enhanced 911 excise tax imposed at the current rate of twenty cents per switched access line per month generates adequate tax revenues to enhance the 911 telephone system for switched access lines state-wide by December 31, 1998, as mandated in RCW 38.52.510;
(2) the tax revenues generated from the state enhanced 911 excise tax when the tax rate decreases to a maximum of ten cents per switched access line on January 1, 1999, will not be adequate to fund the long-term operation and equipment replacement costs for the enhanced 911 telephone systems in the counties or multicounty regions that receive financial assistance from the state enhanced 911 office;
(3) some counties or mulicounty regions will need financial assistance from the state enhanced 911 office to implement and maintain enhanced 911 because the tax revenue generated from the county enhanced 911 excise tax is not adequate;
(4) counties with populations of less than seventy-five thousand will need salary assistance to create multicounty regions and counties with populations of seventy-five thousand or more, if requested by smaller counties, will need technical assistance and incentives to provide multicounty services; and
(5) counties should not request state financial assistance for implementation and maintenance of enhanced 911 for switched access lines unless the county has imposed the maximum enhanced 911 tax authorized in RCW 82.14B.030.