HB 1888-S - DIGEST




     Directs the executive-legislative task force on international trade to:  (1) Review existing state programs and incentives designed to encourage international trade and domestic trade opportunities;

     (2) review the existing state organizational structure for international trade and trade-related functions;

     (3) review international trade promotion programs, organizational structures, and efforts in selected states and countries;

     (4) make recommendations on the state's international trade and trade-related functions; and

     (5) report to the governor and the legislature by January 30, 1998.

     Creates a task force to the legislature on tourism promotion and marketing.




                   May 19, 1997

To the Honorable Speaker and Members,

  The House of Representatives of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     I am returning herewith, without my approval, Substitute House Bill No. 1888 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to the executive-legislative task forces on international trade and tourism promotion and development;"

     This legislation would establish an Executive-Legislative Task Force on International Trade and the Task Force to the Legislature on Tourism Promotion and Marketing.

     The size and scope of these studies, without direct appropriation, would be difficult, if not impossible, for the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) to properly undertake.  The bill would duplicate efforts already underway by the Department as noted below.  Therefore, it is not practical to implement this legislation as written.

     Both trade and tourism have and will be key components of Washington's unique international economy.  In 1994 two-way trade contributed $75.4 billion to our economy.  Exports of Washington products contributed over $32 billion to that total and recent estimates suggest one in every four Washington jobs is trade-related.  Tourism is an $8.8 billion industry that employs 125,000 people, and pays over $1 billion in direct wages.

     In passing Substitute House Bill No. 1888 the Legislature correctly reaffirmed the importance of these key sectors to our state's economic future.  It is important to make certain that the trade and tourism goals of this legislation are attained.  I am, therefore, directing CTED to take the  actions described below.

     At my request, CTED has already initiated an assessment of the state's trade and economic development responsibilities and services.  In order to make certain that all the objectives of SHB 1888 can be attained, the assessment will be expanded to include a tourism focus.  As a result of this effort, the Department will be presenting specific recommendations later this year.

     CTED is directed to work closely with the Legislature and to make certain the relevant issues are considered and addressed.  To help assure effective communications between CTED and legislative trade leaders, I am also asking Senator Schow and Representative Van Luven to bring other key legislators to the assessment process.

     The primary goal of the proposed tourism task force was to "prepare a proposal for the establishment of a private commission to market Washington State as a travel destination."  I believe that by incorporating tourism into the larger CTED assessment, a broad based and well-balanced plan to fund tourism marketing and its role in economic development will be achieved.

     As with trade, this tourism initiative will require extensive legislative-executive communication and cooperation.  The Tourism Program will work closely with key legislative leaders in developing and presenting the new plan.

     The Legislature is to be commended for the interest in both trade and tourism that it demonstrated by passing SHB 1888.  I am confident that the initiatives described above will enable us to achieve the trade and tourism objectives of this legislation in the most timely and cost effective manner practical.

     For these reasons, I have vetoed Substitute House Bill No. 1888 in its entirety.

     I am hereby returning, without my approval, Substitute House Bill No. 1888.


                   Respectfully submitted,

                   Gary Locke
