HB 2531 - DIGEST
Creates the governor's salmon office.
Provides that, at its option, a regional council may enter into a memorandum of agreement with the executive director for the purpose of developing a salmon recovery plan in collaboration with the governor's salmon office.
Authorizes the governor's salmon office to undertake activities on a state-wide basis designed to improve the health of salmon as follows: (1) Development of a state-wide habitat conservation plan or other recovery plan for state-owned land. The governor's salmon office shall submit any plan developed under this section to the legislature and the legislature shall approve the plan before its adoption;
(2) negotiation of, or assistance in the negotiation of, international and interstate compacts or treaties affecting salmon; and
(3) acting as liaison for the state congressional delegation, United States congress, and the federal executive branch for issues affecting salmon.
Provides for the formation of regional councils.
Expands the duties of the Puget Sound action team.
Establishes a pilot volunteer habitat restoration initiative.