SB 5127-S2 - DIGEST
Provides that revenue for uncompensated trauma care is generated through a $6.50 fee collected from consumers at the time of title transactions on motor vehicles. Car dealers keep $2.50 of the fee; the remainder is forwarded to the emergency medical services and trauma care system trust account.
Provides that a $5 surcharge is assessed on all traffic infractions. This fee cannot be waived or reduced. Money collected from this fee is transmitted to the emergency medical services and trauma care system trust account.
Directs the Department of Health and the Department of Social and Health Services to report to the Legislature in December 1998 on the adequacy of this funding for uncompensated care.
Provides that all fees collected under the terms of this act, which are forwarded to the emergency medical services and trauma care system trust account, are disbursed based on a regional/state match of 25/75 percent.
May 13, 1997
To the Honorable President and Members,
The Senate of the State of Washington
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am returning herewith, without my approval as to section 9, Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5127 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to funding trauma care services;"
Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5127 establishes a grant program for designated trauma services under the Department of Health. Section 9 of the bill would direct legislative committees to review executive agency rules and to conduct work sessions and hearings outside of the regular legislative sessions to verify that funds are being used properly and efficiently. This is an inappropriate use of legislative committees. Reviews such as this, if necessary, should be done by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee.
For these reasons, I have vetoed section 9 of Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5127.
With the exception of section 9, I am approving Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5127.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Locke