SB 5274 - DIGEST


                (SUBSTITUTED FOR - SEE 1ST SUB)


     Requires any public school or public school district that requests the disclosure of a student's federal social security number to inform the parent or legal guardian of the student of the following:  (1) Disclosure of a student's social security number to a public school or public school district is optional;

     (2) the statute or other authority that authorizes the public school or the public school district to request the student's federal social security number;

     (3) how the student's social security number will be used by the public school or the public school district; and

     (4) what the consequences are for not providing the student's federal social security number.

     Declares that it is unlawful for any public school or public school district to deny a student any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because the student or the student's parent or legal guardian refuses to disclose the student's federal social security number.