SB 5306-S - DIGEST
Finds that the system of universal precautions required under federal and state law in all settings where risk of occupational exposure to communicable diseases exists are an effective way to reduce the risk of communicable disease transmission.
Does not intend to discourage the use of universal precautions but to provide supplemental information for corrections and jail staff to utilize as part of their universal precautions with all offenders and detained people.
Provides that, whenever any member of jail staff or department of corrections staff has been substantially exposed to the bodily fluids of an offender or detained person, then the results of any tests conducted under RCW 70.24.340, 70.24.360, or 70.24.370 shall be immediately disclosed by the department of corrections health care provider and the local public health officer or the officer's designee to the correctional superintendent or administrator or local jail administrator.
Requires the superintendent or administrator to then immediately disclose these results to the staff member who was substantially exposed.
Requires the disclosure to be accompanied by appropriate counseling for the staff member, including information regarding follow-up testing.
Requires the department and local jail administrators to develop and implement policies and procedures for the uniform distribution of communicable disease prevention protocols to all corrections staff who, in the course of their regularly assigned job responsibilities, may come within close physical proximity to offenders with communicable diseases.
Requires additional testing for hepatitis B and for tuberculosis.