SB 5476 - DIGEST


                  (SEE ALSO PROPOSED 1ST SUB)


     Provides that, beginning January 1, 1998, it is a traffic infraction:  (1) For a person under the age of sixteen years to operate or ride upon a bicycle on a state highway, county road, city street, public trail or pathway, or a public sidewalk adjacent to the foregoing unless wearing a protective helmet of a type certified to meet the requirements of standard z-90.4 of the American National Standards Institute or such subsequent nationally recognized standard for bicycle helmet performance as the state patrol may adopt by rule.

     Requires instructional material to include information on the proper use of the left-hand lane by motor vehicles on multilane highways, bicyclists' responsibilities and rights, recommended bicycle riding procedures in common traffic situations, and recommended driving procedures for motor vehicle drivers when encountering bicyclists, especially children on bicycles.