SB 5696-S - DIGEST
Declares it is the intent of this act to: (1) Prevent a commission member who has developed a preconceived notion of the facts of a particular case from involvement in a commission determination on the merits;
(2) extend the same rights to a judge or justice as currently granted to the commission for reasonable attorney fees and expenses;
(3) extend the same rights to a judge or justice as currently granted to the commission for summoning witnesses and compelling production and examination of documents;
(4) provide full access and discovery of investigation-related materials to the judge or justice under investigation;
(5) require the commission and its members to be responsible for their actions;
(6) hold each commission member to the highest standards of the same Code of Judicial Conduct that they purport to administer; and
(7) codify the legal obligation of the commission to be subject to such rules as the Supreme Court may adopt.
Repeals RCW 2.64.080.