SB 5699-S - DIGEST




     Requires cities and counties planning under chapter 36.70A RCW to amend the transportation element of the comprehensive plan to be in compliance with chapter 36.70A RCW and chapter 47.80 RCW no later than December 31, 2000.

     Declares that the purposes of reflecting level of service standards for state highways in the local comprehensive plan are to monitor the performance of the system, to evaluate improvement strategies, and to facilitate coordination between the county's or city's six-year street, road, or transit program and the department of transportation's six-year investment program.

     Declares the following transportation facilities and services  to be of state-wide significance:  The interstate highway system, interregional state principal arterials including ferry connections that serve state-wide travel, intercity passenger rail services, intercity high-speed ground transportation, major passenger intermodal terminals excluding all airport facilities and services, the Columbia/Snake navigable river system, marine port facilities and services that are related solely to marine activities affecting international and interstate trade, and high-capacity transportation systems serving regions as defined in RCW 81.104.015.