SB 5703 - DIGEST


                (SUBSTITUTED FOR - SEE 1ST SUB)


     Provides that, if a person placed surface or ground water to beneficial use for irrigation or stock watering purposes before January 1, 1993, for which a permit or certificate was not issued by the department or its predecessors, the person or the person's successor holds a water right in the amount beneficially used and with a priority date that is the date a statement of claim is filed for the right under this section if:  (1) The person or the person's successor files with the department of ecology a statement of claim for the right during the period beginning September 1, 1997, and ending midnight June 30, 1998, using the standard form prescribed by RCW 90.14.051; and

     (2) the person or the person's successor files with the statement of claim evidence that the water described in the claim was used beneficially before January 1, 1993.