SB 5968 - DIGEST


                      (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


     Provides that the electric-assisted bicycle's electric motor must have a power output of no more than one thousand watts, be incapable of propelling the device at a speed of more than twenty miles per hour on level ground, and be incapable of further increasing the speed of the device when human power alone is used to propel the device beyond twenty miles per hour.

     Provides that no driver's license is required for operation of an electric-assisted bicycle if the operator is at least sixteen years of age.  Persons under sixteen years of age may not operate an electric-assisted bicycle.

     Requires that persons operating electric-assisted bicycles must comply with all laws and regulations related to the use of bicycle helmets.

     Declares that electric-assisted bicycles may have access to highways of the state to the same extent as bicycles.  Electric-assisted bicycles may be operated on a multipurpose trail or bicycle lane, but local jurisdictions may restrict or otherwise limit the access of electric-assisted bicycles.