SB 6061-S.E - DIGEST
Provides for transportation funding and appropriations for the period ending June 30, 1999.
May 20, 1997
To the Honorable President and Members,
The Senate of the State of Washington
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 106(3); 106(4); 106(5); 106(6); 106(7); 214, lines 27 through 33, page 19; 217(1)(a); 217(7); 226(8); 409; 507 and 508, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 6061 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to transportation funding and appropriations;"
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 6061 provides a supplemental budget for the 1995-97 transportation budget, and a state transportation budget for the 1997-99 Biennium. I am vetoing the following sections:
Section 106(3), (4), (5), (6) and (7), pages 5-8, (Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee)
Section 106 gives the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC) a $1.5 million appropriation to conduct a performance audit of the Department of Transportation, the Washington State Patrol, and the Department of Licensing. In addition, a temporary Performance Audit Advisory Committee is created with the Director of the Office of Financial Management serving as the Chair.
While there is no question about the commitment of all parties, including myself, to conduct a creditable and timely performance audit of transportation programs, I have vetoed subsections (3) through (7) in order to provide maximum flexibility to the Advisory Committee to manage the audit as effectively as possible within the available dollars. This veto will permit an audit schedule that will produce substantive results for consideration by the Legislature the 1998 Session. The audit activities outlined in the vetoed provisos can serve as guidance, rather than limits, for the Committee as they start their deliberations. The veto of these subsections does not preclude the Advisory Committee from addressing the same issues, but it does allow the Committee to adjust the scope and emphasis of the audit activities as information is developed by the consultants and committee staff.
Section 214, page 19, line 27 through 33, (Department of Licensing)
This section provides $2.5 million to improve driver's license document security only if Substitute House Bill No. 1501, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5718, or driver's license security provisions that are substantially similar to the security provisions in either bill are enacted by June 30, 1997. Prior to approving Substitute Senate Bill No. 5718, the Legislature removed provisions relating to digitized photos and anti-counterfeiting and tampering improvements to the driver document. Therefore, I have vetoed this section to avoid any confusion about legislative intent.
Section 217(1)(a), page 21, (Department of Transportation -- Improvements - Program I) and Section 409, page 40, (FY 99 Transfer From the GF to the Transportation Fund)
Section 409 transfers $50 million from the General Fund-State into the Transportation Fund in Fiscal Year 1999, thereby reducing the Initiative 601 expenditure limit by over $150 million over the next four years. I have vetoed section 409 because this transfer would reduce the availability of General Fund-State resources for education and other high-priority issues in this and future biennia.
I have also vetoed section 217(1)(a), which specifies that $75 million from the Transportation Fund and $25 million from the Motor Vehicle Fund are appropriated for mobility projects and studies as selected by the Transportation Commission. Because I have vetoed the $50 million General Fund-State transfer, only $50 million is now available for these purposes. Therefore, I will ask the Transportation Commission to provide a project list that fits within the remaining funds using the same criteria specified in section 217(1)(a). I will also ask the Legislature, in the supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 1998, to expedite appropriation of the remaining funds.
Section 217(7), page 22, (Department of Transportation -- Improvements-Program I)
This subsection would prohibit the Department of Transportation from spending state or federal funds for the Washington Coastal Corridor Study. This is an ongoing effort in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and the State of Oregon that is expected to make a significant contribution to economic development in local communities along the corridor. I have vetoed this subsection so that the study can continue as planned.
Section 226(8), page 31, (Department of Transportation - Marine - Program X)
Section 226(8) directs the Department of Transportation to deploy the three new Mark II Jumbo Class ferry vessels on specific routes. These type of decisions are not appropriate in a budget bill and should be addressed by the Transportation Commission who oversee the daily operations of the Washington State Ferry System. Sections 507 and 508, page 45, (Transportation Budget Submittals)
These two sections direct agencies that spend transportation funds to submit their budget requests and strategic plans to the Office of Financial Management (OFM) and the Legislative Transportation Committee at the same time. All agency budget requests are public documents, and OFM routinely sends a copy of all agency budget requests to the Legislature for review soon after they are received, making these sections unnecessary.
With the exception of sections 106(3); 106(4); 106(5); 106(6); 106(7); 214, lines 27 through 33, page 19; 217(1)(a); 217(7); 226(8); 409; 507 and 508, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6061 is approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Locke