SB 6214 - DIGEST


                (SUBSTITUTED FOR - SEE 2ND SUB)


     Declares an intent of the legislature to:  (1) Clarify that it is the nature of a person's current conduct, current mental condition, history, and likelihood of committing future acts that pose a threat to public safety or himself or herself, rather than  simple categorization of offenses, that should determine treatment procedures and level;

     (2) improve and clarify the sharing of information between the mental health and criminal justice systems; and

     (3) provide additional opportunities for mental health treatment for persons whose conduct threatens himself or herself or threatens public safety and has led to contact with the criminal justice system.

     Recognizes that a person can be incompetent to stand trial, but does not present a likelihood of serious harm.  The legislature does not intend to create a presumption that a person who is found incompetent to stand trial presents a likelihood of serious harm requiring civil commitment.

     Makes an appropriation of an unspecified amount to carry out the purposes of the act.

     Repeals 71.05.015, 71.05.080, and 71.05.490.