SB 6324-S - DIGEST


                      (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


     Directs the department to develop and implement a program utilizing remote site incubators.  The program shall identify sites in tributaries that are suitable for reestablishing self-sustaining, locally adapted populations of coho, chum, or chinook salmon.  The initial selection of sites shall be completed by July 1, 1999, and updated annually thereafter.

     Provides that the department shall depend chiefly upon volunteer efforts to implement the remote site incubator program through volunteer cooperative projects and the regional fisheries enhancement groups.  The department may prioritize remote site incubator projects within regional enhancement areas.

     Authorizes the department to purchase remote site incubators and to use agency employees to construct remote site incubators.  The director and the secretary of the department of corrections shall jointly investigate the potential of producing remote site incubators through the prison industries program of the department of corrections, and shall jointly report their finding to the natural resources committees of the house of representatives and the senate by December 1, 1999.

     Directs the department to evaluate the initial results of the program and report to the legislature by December 1, 2000.  Annual reports on the progress of the program shall be provided to the fish and wildlife commission.

     Provides that the act shall be null and void if appropriations are not approved.