SB 6326 - DIGEST


                  (SEE ALSO PROPOSED 1ST SUB)


     Provides that a school district or public school may request the disclosure of a student's federal social security number for the purpose of seeking medicaid reimbursement for covered services to eligible students under RCW 74.09.5241 through 74.09.5256, or for the purpose of compliance with federal law explicitly requiring such disclosure.

     Provides that, if the student is an employee of the school district, a school district or public school may request disclosure of a student's social security number for employment purposes.  Employment records containing student social security numbers shall be maintained separately from student records.

     Declares that this act shall not be construed as prohibiting a school district from developing an individual student identification number, unrelated to the student's social security number, to identify and maintain education records on students enrolled in the district.

     Declares that it is unlawful for any public school or public school district to deny a student any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because the student or the student's parent or legal guardian refuses to disclose the student's federal social security number.