SB 6330-S2 - DIGEST


                      (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


     Revises provisions concerning recreational fish and wildlife licenses.

     Repeals RCW 75.08.274, provisions in chapter 77.32 RCW, and provisions in chapter 77.25 RCW.




                   March 27, 1998

To the Honorable President and Members,

  The Senate of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 34 and 37, Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 6330 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to fish and wildlife licenses;"

     2SSB 6330 will simplify the recreational hunting and license system, which will ultimately reduce the number of license documents and improve service to the public.  The bill is also necessary to implement a point-of-sale license system which allows dealers to make sales through an on-line terminal rather than using the existing paper system.

     Sections 34 and 37 of 2SSB 6330 would amend statutes that were repealed by Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 6328, which I signed today.  This partial veto will ensure that the two bills are consistent.

     For these reasons, I have vetoed sections 34 and 37 of Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 6330.

     With the exception of sections 34 and 37, Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 6330 is approved.


                   Respectfully submitted,

                   Gary Locke
