SB 6399-S - DIGEST




     Declares that the purpose of this act is to require effective means of rendering drivers' licenses and identicards as immune as possible from alteration and counterfeiting in order to promote the public health and safety of the people of this state.

     Increases the fee for a license from fourteen to twenty dollars.

     Declares that, beginning October 1, 2000, the federal Illegal Immigration Control Act, P.L. 104-208, requires states to either place drivers' social security numbers on the face of their licenses, or to complete a social security verification process.

     Provides that, in order to prevent fraud and curtail invasions of privacy, the governor, through the department of licensing, shall seek a waiver to the federal mandate.  If a waiver is not granted, the department shall rely only upon the verification process prescribed in the federal law.  In no event may the social security number be placed on the driver's license or identicard.