SB 6628.E - DIGEST
Requires any regional transit authority imposing taxes under chapter 81.104 RCW to consult with the department of community, trade, and economic development to explore the potential for developing contracting methods and procedures that encourage the establishment of a manufacturing base in the state of Washington for the purpose of constructing and assembling commuter and light rail train sets and components. The regional transit authority shall report its findings and recommendations to the legislative transportation committee by January 1, 1999.
March 27, 1998
To the Honorable President and Members,
The Senate of the State of Washington
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 2 and 3, Engrossed Senate Bill No. 6628 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to the state-owned facilities component of the state-wide transportation plan and intercity passenger rail;"
Section 2 of ESB 6628 would require an in-depth modal trade-off analysis. Such an analysis is the type of research that we should ultimately seek in our state transportation plan. However, section 2 calls for a cutting-edge type of analysis. There is not sufficient research available to support that type of analysis at this time, and it is unrealistic to expect the Department of Transportation to accomplish such extensive work without any funding.
Section 3 of ESB 6628 would add additional requirements to the intercity passenger rail plan. While it would certainly be worthwhile for decision makers to have such information, the examination should be more modally comprehensive. That is, similar data should be gleaned for all modes to allow a more fair comparison. And again, without funding from the Legislature, the Department of Transportation cannot conduct such major work without being forced to neglect existing statutory requirements.
For these reasons, I have vetoed sections 2 and 3 of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 6628.
With the exception of sections 2 and 3, Engrossed Senate Bill No. 6628 is approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Locke