SB 6684-S - DIGEST




     Declares that the powers and duties of the commercial vehicle enforcement officers and commercial vehicle officers are to enforce state and federal laws and regulations relating to motor transport carriers and other related statutes and regulations as directed by law.

     Declares that commercial vehicle enforcement officers have the same law enforcement and arrest authority as commissioned Washington state patrol officers as it relates to situations involving commercial vehicles.

     Declares that this is limited police authority and does not grant commercial vehicle enforcement officers commissioned officers  status or qualify those employees for membership in the Washington state patrol retirement system.

     Directs the patrol to provide the training necessary to ensure the safety and success of the officers in the above-assigned duties.

     Provides that, by December 31, 1998, the Washington state patrol will complete and submit to the legislative transportation committees for approval, a study to identify options for the transition of commercial vehicle enforcement officer staff to Washington state patrol commissioned officers.  Once approved, the transition plan will be implemented by June 30, 2001.