1085 AMH DUNN H1893.1




HB 1085 - H AMD 0005 ADOPTED 02/26/99

By Representative Dunn




    On page 1, line 16, after "she" insert "is not a financial institution and"




HB 1085 - H AMD

By Representative Dunn




    On page 2, line 18, after "person" insert "other than a financial institution"




HB 1085 - H AMD

By Representative Dunn




    On page 3, line 26, after "(7)" insert ""Financial institution" means a business that as a regular aspect of its operation participates in the check collection or check clearing process, including but not limited to a person doing business under the laws of the state of Washington, any other state or territory of the United States, or the United States relating to commercial banks, bank holding companies, savings banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations, credit unions, clearing houses, and the affiliates, subsidiaries, and service corporations of them.  "Financial institution" also means a person or entity employed by or acting on behalf of a financial institution, when acting in that capacity.



    Renumber the subsections following consecutively and correct internal references accordingly.




    EFFECT:  Defines "financial institution" and clarifies that financial institutions who possess a stolen check or draft are not guilty of possessing stolen property.


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