ESSB 6363 - H AMD TO AMD (6363-S.E AMH MCMO MORI 63)

By Representative Hankins

     On page 17, after line 11 of the amendment, insert:

     ASec. 25.  RCW 29.07.152 and 1993 c 383 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

     This section establishes a special procedure which an elector may use to register to vote during the period beginning after the closing of registration for voting at the polls under RCW 29.07.160 and ending on the fifteenth day before a primary, special election, or general election.  During this period, ((the unregistered)) a qualified elector who is not registered to vote in his or her county of residence may register to vote in person in the office of the county auditor or at a voter registration location specifically designated for this purpose by the county auditor of the county in which the applicant resides((, and)).  Persons who register during this period are not eligible to vote at the polls but may apply for an absentee ballot for that primary or election.  The auditor ((or voter registrar)) shall register that individual in the manner provided in this chapter((.  The application for an absentee ballot executed by the newly registered voter for the primary or election that follows the execution of the registration shall be promptly transmitted to the auditor with the completed voter registration form)) and promptly execute that individual's request for an absentee ballot.@


Renumber the following sections consecutively and correct the title.






EFFECT:  Expands the type of voter who may use the late registration procedure to obtain an absentee ballot.  Removes the ability of a voter registrar to register a person to vote under this late registration procedure.