6775 AMH SG MORI 45






SB 6775 - H COMM AMD

By Committee on State Government

     On page 6, beginning on line 13, strike all of section 4 and insert the following:

     "Sec. 4.  RCW 42.17.3691 and 1999 c 401 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:

      (1) Beginning January 1, ((2001)) 2002, each ((continuing)) candidate or political committee((,)) that expended ((ten)) twenty-five thousand dollars or more in the preceding year or expects to expend ((ten)) twenty-five thousand dollars or more ((in expenditures)) in the current year((,)) shall file all contribution reports and expenditure reports required by this chapter ((electronically by diskette or via modem, satellite, or the Internet)) by the electronic alternative provided by the commission under RCW 42.17.369.  HOWEVER, the commission may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis for candidates whose authorized committees lack the technological ability to file reports using the electronic alternative provided by the commission.

     (2) Beginning January 1, 2004, each candidate or political committee that expended ten thousand dollars or more in the preceding year or expects to expend ten thousand dollars or more in the current year shall file all contribution reports and expenditure reports required by this chapter by the electronic alternative provided by the commission under RCW 42.17.369.  HOWEVER, the commission may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis for candidates whose authorized committees lack the technological ability to file reports using the electronic alternative provided by the commission.

     (3)  Failure by a ((continuing)) candidate or political committee to comply with this section is a violation of this chapter."



EFFECT: Allows exceptions to be made for candidates that do not have access to a computer.