1125-S AMS EIDE NEAL 025




SHB 1125 - S AMD TO TRAN COMM AMD (2478.3/99) - 437

    By Senators Eide and Haugen


                                                   ADOPTED 4/19/99


    On page 20, line 17, after "$" strike "8,601,000" and insert "6,601,000"


    On page 20, line 20, after "$" strike "6,687,000" and insert "7,437,000"


    On page 20, line 25, after "$" strike "2,050,000" and insert "2,800,000"


    On page 20, line 26, after "$" strike "25,141,000" and insert "24,641,000"




                            --- END ---


EFFECT: Transfers funding of commute trip reduction tax credits from the high capacity transportation account to the transportation account and the public transportation systems account.