1462-S2 AMS FINK S2999.1




2SHB 1462 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2983.1/99) - 512

By Senator Finkbeiner




    On page 10, beginning on line 9 of the amendment, strike all of section 2


    On page 22, beginning on line 1 of the amendment, strike all of section 10


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.




2SHB 1462 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2983.1/99) - 512

By Senator Finkbeiner




    On page 22, line 20 of the title amendment, strike "adding a new section to chapter 28A.630 RCW;"


    On page 22, line 23 of the title amendment, before "repealing 1998" insert "and"


    On page 22, line 24 of the title amendment, after "(uncodified)" strike "; and making an appropriation"


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