HB 2495
Title:An act relating to hunting licenses.
Brief Description:Allowing holders of big and small game hunting licenses to hunt unclassified wildlife.
Sponsors:Representatives Pennington and Benson; by request of Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Meeting Date: January 26, 2000.
Bill Analysis Prepared by:Josh Weiss, Counsel (786-7129)
Background:Unclassified wildlife includes, but is not limited to, animals such as: coyote, opossum, vole, and nonnative squirrel. Unclassified wildlife does not include any animal currently defined as a game animal or as protected wildlife.
Prior to the merger of the enforcement provisions of the fisheries code and the wildlife code, anyone possessing a hunting license could legally take unclassified wildlife. The merger of these provisions created separate small game and big game hunting licenses. Persons with a small game license are currently allowed to hunt unclassified wildlife, while holders of a big game license may not.
Summary of Bill:Holders of a big game license are allowed to hunt unclassified wildlife.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date:Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Rulemaking Authority: None.