SHB 1862

                     As of March 23, 1999


Title:  An act relating to the surrender of a health care professional's license.


Brief Description:  Allowing a health care professional to surrender his or her license to practice.


Sponsors:  House Committee on Health Care (originally sponsored by Representatives Conway, Cody, Campbell, Ruderman, Alexander and Skinner).


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Health & Long‑Term Care: 




Staff:  Joan K. Mell (786-7447)


Background:  The Uniform Disciplinary Act governs the administrative and adjudicative procedures and sanctions for unprofessional conduct relating to the regulated health professions.  The disciplining authorities include the Secretary of Health as well as the health professions boards and commissions with regulatory authority.


Sanctions for unprofessional conduct include license revocation, suspension, restriction, remedial education or treatment, monitoring of a practice, censure, probation, fine, license denial, corrective action, and refund of fees.


Surrender of a license is not included as a sanction.  However, it may result from a stipulated informal disposition of a case, after an investigation and statement of allegations.  In such a settlement, there are no findings with regard to the allegation and the matter is not reportable.


Summary of Bill:  The surrender of a practitioner's license constitutes a sanction for unprofessional conduct.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.