SB 5056
As of January 26, 1999
Title: An act relating to the Washington service scholars program.
Brief Description: Creating the Washington service scholars program.
Sponsors: Senators Jacobsen, Winsley and Rasmussen.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Higher Education: 1/27/99.
Staff: Risa Sandler (786-7708)
Background: The Higher Education Coordinating Board administers financial aid to higher education students. The state=s Washington Scholars Program provides scholarships to three high school seniors from each legislative district who are in the top 1 percent of their graduating class based upon academic achievement, leadership, and community services. The Washington Scholars Program awards may be renewed annually. The Washington Award for Vocational Excellence (WAVE) is also awarded to three students in each legislative district in honor of vocational and technical achievements. The WAVE award is for no more than two academic years and may not exceed the annual tuition and fees at the state=s public research universities.
Summary of Bill: The Washington Service Scholars Program is created to provide scholarships for a minimum of three graduating high school seniors from each legislative district who have distinguished themselves through at least one year of outstanding school or community service activity. While individual grants may not exceed $1,000, an appropriation provides for a scholarship of not more than $500 to three students in each legislative district. The grants are awarded only during the first year of study and may be used at approved Washington public or independent higher education institutions. Independent institutions are required to match state funds on at least a dollar for dollar basis.
Appropriation: $73,500.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 22, 1999.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.