SB 5131
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Human Services & Corrections, February 5, 1999
Title: An act relating to liability insurance for licensed day‑care and family day‑care providers.
Brief Description: Requiring insurance for day‑care and family day‑care providers.
Sponsors: Senators Kohl‑Welles, Long, Hargrove, Winsley, Brown, Patterson, Thibaudeau, Prentice and Costa.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Human Services & Corrections: 2/2/99, 2/5/99 [DP].
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Hargrove, Chair; Costa, Vice Chair; Franklin, Kohl‑Welles, Long, Patterson and Sheahan.
Staff: Joan K. Mell (786-7447)
Background: Historically, parents have been surprised to discover that their child's day care did not have insurance coverage for injuries to their child at day care. Day-care providers have in the past had difficulty obtaining affordable day-care coverage. Past legislation addressed the access to coverage question by compelling liability carriers to write coverage specific to day cares. Currently, most day-care centers have coverage, but coverage is not a prerequisite to obtaining a license.
Summary of Bill: Licensed child day-care centers and family day-care providers are required to have day-care insurance as defined by the insurance statutes. Policy limits are a minimum of $100,000 per occurrence. Family day-care providers can opt out of the coverage requirement by maintaining a file of affidavits or declarations disclosing to parents the day care=s lack of insurance coverage. The requirements of the statute are not to be used for argument purposes in personal injury cases.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 24, 1999.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Children have died in day care and the state has paid damages. Providers have not had coverage.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: PRO: Stu Jacobson, Michelle Hunt, Washington Parents; Majken Keira, WA Women United; Dawn Larsen, Olympia Child Care Center.