SB 5157

                    As of January 22, 1999


Title:  An act relating to the community scholarship partnership program.


Brief Description:  Creating the community scholarship partnership program.


Sponsors:  Senators Rasmussen, Gardner, Jacobsen, Eide and Winsley.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Higher Education:  1/27/99.




Staff:  Natalie Adams (786-7444)


Background:  Community endorsed scholarship programs like the nationally known Dollars for Scholars program promote community support for local students who want to pursue higher education.


Summary of Bill:  To encourage local organizations to contribute to the higher education of Washington students, the community scholarship partnership program is established.


The Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB) administers the program by soliciting proposals and selecting a qualified organization.  The qualified organization must match funds by raising at least $100,000.  In July 2000, if the qualified organization has raised sufficient matching funds, the HECB may distribute funds.  The funds are used to establish an endowment or to provide scholarships.


In the event the qualified organization loses its eligibility, it must return the funds it received to the state general fund.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Requested on January 19, 1999.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.