SB 5202

                As Passed Senate, March 3, 1999


Title:  An act relating to qualifications for working for the county treasurer.


Brief Description:  Preventing convicted embezzlers from working for the county treasurer.


Sponsors:  Senators Loveland, Hale and Winsley.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  State & Local Government:  2/1/99, 2/3/99 [DP].

Passed Senate, 3/3/99, 48-0.




Majority Report:  Do pass.

  Signed by Senators Patterson, Chair; Gardner, Vice Chair; Haugen, Horn, Kline and McCaslin.


Staff:  Sharon Swanson (786-7445)


Background:  A person may be denied employment by the state of Washington or any of its entities by reason of a prior conviction of a felony if the felony for which he or she was convicted directly relates to the position of employment sought and the time elapsed since the conviction is less than ten years.


Summary of Bill:  A person convicted or having pled guilty to a felony involving theft or embezzlement may be disqualified from employment with the county treasurer's office, even though the time of the guilty plea or conviction is ten years or more.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  Counties are vulnerable if they cannot look into a potential employee=s past beyond 10 years.  Adds clarity to the statute and allows the state to have the protection that the private sector has.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  Senator Loveland, prime sponsor; Rose Bowman, WA Assn. of County Treasurers (pro).