SB 5467

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

            State & Local Government, March 3, 1999


Title:  An act relating to eliminating the time limit on regular tax levies for medical care and services.


Brief Description:  Eliminating the time limit on regular tax levies for medical care and services.


Sponsors:  Senators Costa, Eide, Goings, Heavey, Brown, Patterson, Kline and Kohl‑Welles.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  State & Local Government:  2/4/99, 3/3/99 [DPS, DNPS].




Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5467 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

  Signed by Senators Patterson, Chair; Gardner, Vice Chair; Hale, Haugen, Kline and McCaslin.


Minority Report:  Do not pass substitute.

  Signed by Senator Horn.


Staff:  Eugene Green (786-7405)


Background:  A county, emergency medical service district, city or town, public hospital district, urban emergency medical service district, or fire protection district may impose additional regular property tax levies in an amount equal to $0.50 or less per $1,000 of the assessed value of the property in the taxing district for emergency medical care or emergency medical services.  This tax is imposed for six consecutive years when a proposition is approved by a super-majority of at least 60 percent.


Summary of Substitute Bill:  The six-year time limit on regular tax levies for emergency medical care and services is increased to ten years.


Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill:  The original bill eliminated the time limit on the levy.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  It is difficult to properly allocate resources and plan capital projects knowing that the revenue stream might stop.  Essentially, all of the levy goes for saving lives.  Therefore, this should be a continuing levy.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  PRO:  John Sinclair, Central Pierce Fire and Rescue; Brian Hurley, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters; Jim Broman, Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs.