SSB 6147

                           C 25 L 00

                      Synopsis as Enacted


Brief Description:  Creating the Washington state parks gift foundation.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation (originally sponsored by Senators Jacobsen, Swecker, Thibaudeau, McAuliffe, Oke and Kohl‑Welles).


Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation

House Committee on Natural Resources


Background:  An increase in population and recreational activity has put increased demands on the state=s park system.  As a result, state parks have suffered from insufficient funding to both maintain its facilities and expand the services it offers to the public.


Park systems in some cities and other states have created nonprofit organizations to gather contributions to help support their increased needs.


Summary:  A nonprofit foundation is established by the Parks and Recreation Commission to receive support, cooperation, and donations from outside sources for the purposes of benefitting the state parks.  The foundation is governed by a board of 15 directors, initially appointed by the Governor and subsequently elected by the membership.


The foundation is to be organized so as to achieve federal tax-exempt status and solicit money from private sources.  Funds may be used to create an endowment, distributed immediately, or both.  Funds are awarded at least annually by a competitive grant process to projects suggested by the Parks and Recreation Commission.


Votes on Final Passage:


Senate 48 0



Effective:June 8, 2000