SB 6155

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

                  Judiciary, February 4, 2000


Title:  An act relating to reports filed under dissolution of marriage proceedings.


Brief Description:  Changing reports filed under marriage dissolution proceedings.


Sponsors:  Senator Costa.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Judiciary:  1/31/2000, 2/4/2000 [DPS].




Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6155 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

  Signed by Senators Heavey, Chair; Kline, Vice Chair; Costa, Goings, Hargrove, Haugen, Johnson, Long, McCaslin, Roach, Thibaudeau and Zarelli.


Staff:  Lidia Mori (786-7755)


Background:  Petitions for dissolution of marriage are currently required to include the Social Security numbers of the persons involved.  Every child support order is required to include the Social Security number and driver=s license number of the responsible parent, the Social Security number of the physical custodian and the Social Security numbers of the dependent children.


A person seeking to establish child support or modify a child support order must file with the clerk of the court a child support order summary report.  This form does not require entry of the Social Security numbers of the parties or the children involved.  The clerk of the court is required to forward these to the Administrator for the Courts on at least a monthly basis.


Supporters of this bill seek to protect the privacy of individuals through the removal of Social Security numbers from child support court files where the information is readily available to the general public.


Summary of Substitute Bill:  Petitions for dissolution of marriage are not required to include the Social Security numbers of the parties involved.  The Social Security number and driver=s license number of the responsible parent, the Social Security number of the obligee and the Social Security numbers of the dependent children are not required to be disclosed in child support orders.


Child support order summary reports are required to include the Social Security numbers and driver=s license numbers of the parties to the action.  The clerk of the court must forward the original of the summary report form to the Washington State Support Registry within five days of the entry of the order and is directed not to retain a copy of the form in the court file.


Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill:  The substitute bill makes it clear that a true and correct copy of all superior court orders and the originals of child support summary reports must be forwarded to the Washington State support registry.  The clerk is directed not to retain a copy of the form in the court file.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Requested on January 28, 2000.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  This bill will help protect the public.  Court files are easily accessible to anyone so all the information in them, like Social Security numbers, are available also.  A person=s identity was recently Astolen@ by looking at the person=s dissolution file.  The information needed for child support collection can still be provided.


Testimony Against:  Federal money could be lost if the original of the child support summary form is not retained in the court file.  The federal government interprets the word Arecords@ in federal law to mean Acourt records.@


Testified:  PRO:  Betty Gould, Thurston County Clerk; Terry Nielsen, Cowlitz County Clerk; Debbie Wilke, Washington Association of County Officials; CON:  David Stillman, Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Child Support; Steve Henigson, United States Department of Health and Human Services.