SB 6159

              As Reported By Senate Committee On:

    Environment Quality & Water Resources, January 21, 2000


Title:  An act relating to compensation of the board of directors for air pollution control authorities.


Brief Description:  Changing compensation for boards of directors for air pollution control authorities.


Sponsors:  Senators Fraser, Kline and Kohl‑Welles.


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Environmental Quality & Water Resources:  1/11/2000, 1/21/2000 [DPS].




Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6159 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

  Signed by Senators Fraser, Chair; Eide, Vice Chair; Honeyford, Jacobsen, McAuliffe, Morton and Swecker.


Staff:  Richard Rodger (786-7461)


Background:  The Department of Ecology administers the air pollution control laws with the state, but may delegate its duties to a local authority.  A county, or group of counties, may activate a local air pollution control authority for the purpose of receiving the authority to administer the air pollution laws.


The local air pollution control authorities are required to compensate its board members, up to $1,000, for time spent in performance of their duties.


Summary of Substitute Bill:  The requirement that each board member of the air pollution control authorities receive compensation for the performance of their duties is made discretionary.  The board members continue to be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses.


Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill:  The original bill removed the requirement that Air Pollution Control Authority Board members be compensated.  The substitute bill makes the compensation discretionary.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Not requested.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  The air pollution control authorities are the only "volunteer" boards that the members are required to be compensated.  If you don't wish to eliminate the compensation requirement, please at least make the compensation optional.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  Bob Jacobs (pro).