ESSB 6217

              As Passed Senate, February 15, 2000


Title:  An act relating to technical and clarifying amendments to the dependency and termination of parental rights statutes.


Brief Description:  Changing provisions relating to dependent children.


Sponsors:  Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Hargrove, Long, Costa and Winsley).


Brief History:

Committee Activity:  Human Services & Corrections:  1/13/2000, 2/26/2000 [DPS].

Passed Senate, 2/15/2000, 47-0.




Majority Report:  That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6217 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.

  Signed by Senators Hargrove, Chair; Costa, Vice Chair; Franklin, Kohl-Welles, Long, Sheahan, Stevens and Zarelli.


Staff:  Jennifer Strus (786-7484)


Background:  The dependency statutes have been amended repeatedly over the years without knowledge or recognition of the most appropriate placement of the language in the statute.  This has caused people difficulty in grasping the processes established in the statute.


Summary of Bill:  Technical and clarifying changes, not substantive, are made to the dependency and termination of parental rights statutes.  Outdated information is deleted.  Cross references are corrected.  Substantive provisions in RCW 13.34.130 pertaining to termination of parental rights, review hearings and permanency planning are removed and each placed in a separate section.  The predisposition report requirements are placed under the social study definition.  The language removing probation officers from oversight responsibility in dependency petitions filed by the department is restored.


Appropriation:  None.


Fiscal Note:  Available.


Effective Date:  Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.


Testimony For:  None.


Testimony Against:  None.


Testified:  No one.


House Amendment(s):  The amendment reinstates the original statutory continuance language in RCW 13.34.110, the section on dependency fact-finding.